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Shareable Content: How to Create Content that Spreads Organically

Going viral is the dream: You create a piece of content that spreads far and wide, and suddenly customers are rushing to learn more about your business. But it’s tough to predict what will go viral, especially when it comes to marketing content. Before you go chasing that one elusive story, remember that your content doesn’t actually have to go viral to make an impact — even dozens of shares can generate interest in your offerings.
For marketers, the real challenge is standing out in a sea of co...

How To Start an E-Commerce Business in Six Steps

E-commerce businesses are thriving, with sales increasing 2.6% between the second and third quarters of 2024. (To be clear, the term “e-commerce” simply refers to shops that operate online, as opposed to retailers that primarily exist in a brick-and-mortar store.) But whether you’re selling products, subscriptions, or services online, e-commerce businesses come with their own challenges. It’s important to fully understand how to set up, run, and market an online shop before you start investing t...

16 Best Banks in Oregon for 2025 - Crediful

Oregon is home to some fairly impressive employers, including Nike, Intel, and Daimler Trucks North America. All those employers bring top talent to the state, and that top talent needs a place to bank.

Whether you’re new to the state or you’ve lived there your entire life, you need a good place to park your hard-earned money. Fortunately, Oregon has a wide range of banks, from brick-and-mortar banks to online banks, and from small, local banks to some of the largest banks in the U.S. This li...

How to Throw a Super Bowl Party on a Budget

Super Bowl weekend is primetime for sports fans and party enthusiasts — last year, a record 200.5 million people planned to watch the game and 112 million planned to host a Super Bowl gathering. They spent an average of $86.04 each.

This year’s Super Bowl party doesn’t have to take a hit because you feel like your spare funds are dwindling. Here are tips from expert party planners to help you host a memorable Super Bowl party for less on game day, which is Feb. 9, when the Kansas City Chiefs wil...

How To Start a Newsletter To Earn Subscribers

Your email list is your most valuable marketing tool.

As someone running a writing business, I’ve heard that for the past decade or so. During that decade, social media platforms have come and gone. Even if a platform sticks around, one flip of a switch and your posts are no longer visible.

Maybe that’s why email marketing remains the most popular form of marketing. One survey revealed that 41% of businesses find email marketing their most effective marketing channel, while social media and paid...

5 Best Alternatives to Google Ads in 2025

Google Ads is the company’s pay-per-click platform, letting businesses reach customers in search results and on Google’s other properties, including YouTube and Blogger. If you’re a competitive person, the platform can seem fun for a while: You’re competing with other businesses for ad space — let the best marketer win!

Over time, though, the process often gets frustrating. Since Google uses an auction system for its ads, businesses complain that they tend to be expensive, requiring a serious in...

How to Use Hashtags to Boost Your Search Rankings - Null Media: Custom Content Services

You’ve seen them on Twitter and maybe even Facebook — they’re denoted by the pound sign, immediately followed by a term. Hashtags are tools used by Twitter users to ensure tweets are grouped with other tweets on the same subject. A tweet about issues relating to small business, for instance, might be followed by #smallbusiness. It’s important that the keyword that follows the tag has no spaces.

When you end your tweet with a hashtag, that section of your tweet immediately becomes clickable. Clic...

These Holiday Activities Could Turn Into Serious Insurance Risks

‘Tis the season to trim the tree, bake gingerbread cookies and head out of town to visit relatives. But if you’re a homeowner, all three of those things put you at risk. You have homeowners insurance to protect you year-round, but is your coverage enough to get you through the holidays?
Below, we break down those holiday insurance risks and offer tips for ensuring you’re covered.
You’ll find plenty of holiday safety tips as we enter the holiday season. However, as important as those tips are, th...

Beware the Cons of Store Credit Cards Before You Sign Up

The offer seems enticing. A store offers you a huge discount if you sign up for a credit card. It promises a full year of interest-free purchases, along with cardholder-exclusive perks like coupons and receipt-free returns. But you’ve also heard negative things about store credit cards. So, are store credit cards good or bad?
Retailer-specific cards do come with a few benefits, but they also have some pitfalls. According to Phillip Parker, founder of, stores have an incent...

Soundbar vs Speakers: What’s the Right Sound System for You?

Few things can provide an escape like kicking back with a tub of popcorn at your favorite movie theater. But, the right sound setup can help you bring movie night into your own living room. A simple soundbar can take home entertainment to the next level, but there are times when speakers are necessary, as well. So, what’s the difference between a soundbar and speakers?

We reached out to audio experts to help walk us through the distinction so you can choose the right sound system for you and your home.

About Me

I am a branded content writer and blogger, specializing in the finance and technology space. I write for a wide range of businesses and marketing agencies. Currently, my work regularly appears on The Penny Hoarder, AP Buyline, and Time Stamped, among many other sites. I'm also a Simon & Schuster children's author and romance novelist with more than 50 published books across multiple pen names.

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